Please read the following legal notice / Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) before accessing the website of Hedge Capital LTD (“the Fund”) and its subsidiaries at www.hedge.capital (“the Website”). By accessing the Website, you confirm that you have read and understood the Terms of Use and agree to all of the terms set out herein. If you do not understand, or do not agree to any of the terms contained in the Terms of Use, please do not use the Website and exit it.
General notice
Offer of the Fund is restricted. No person is allowed to distribute, offer or solicit to invest to the Fund unless agreed otherwise with the Fund. The Fund is not responsible for unlawful distribution of its product(s) that is made without written consent of the Fund.
Restricted access
The Website must not be accessed by any person subject to a jurisdiction (e.g., due to that person’s nationality and/or place of residence) in which publication of the content of the Website or access to it is prohibited for any reason. Persons to whom these restrictions apply are prohibited from accessing the Website. This Website and the content herein is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a solicitation, advice, offer or a recommendation for any security or other financial instrument especially in any jurisdiction where such offer, solicitation or recommendation would be unlawful or unauthorised.
The Fund makes no representation that the Website or any of its contents are appropriate or available for use in any jurisdiction. This information is not intended to be published or made available to any person in any jurisdiction where doing so would result in contravention of any laws or regulations. In particular, certain funds cannot be marketed in certain jurisdictions. The user should ensure that the use of this information and any resulting fund transactions does not contravene any applicable restrictions in this respect. It is the user’s responsibility to be informed of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. By accessing the Website, you are representing and warranting that the applicable laws and regulations of your jurisdiction allow you to access the Website, and that you have agreed to the conditions outlined herein.
No offer
Information and opinions published on this website shall not be construed as any form of promotion, recommendation, inducement, offer, or solicitation to purchase or sell any cryptocurrencies or their derivatives, transact any other business, or enter into any other legal transactions. Information and opinions published on this website is provided for informational purposes only. Services described may not be suitable for you.
Investments in the Fund may only be made on the basis of the offering documents (e.g. prospectus, or other applicable documentation) and may not be made via this Website. The information contained in the Website is not for distribution and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy any securities or services in the United States or in any of its territories or possessions subject to its jurisdiction or to or for the benefit of any United States citizen.
No advice
Information and opinions published on this website do not constitute, nor are they intended to provide or be construed as investment advice, or any legal, tax, financial, or other advice. Such information and opinions should not be relied upon or used as a basis for decision-making. Please consult an expert in the appropriate field before deciding to take any specific action. No information contained on or accessed from the Website should be construed as creating any contractual relationship between the providers of such information and the Website users.
No warranty
The information and opinions on this Website are provided by the Fund for general information purposes only. The Fund (including its directors, employees or agents) and its data suppliers make every effort to ensure that the information on this Website is accurate and complete at the time of its inclusion. Neither the Fund nor its contracting partners makes any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) that any information published on the Website is accurate, reliable, up-to-date, or complete. In particular, the Fund is under no obligation whatsoever to update or remove outdated information or opinions from this Website or to mark them as being outdated. The information and opinions contained on this Website are subject to change at any time without notice.
All information available on this website, including but not limited to financial market data, price data, reports, research, and other financial information is based on carefully selected sources that are deemed to be reliable. All information is provided to users on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any representation or warranty either express or implied as to quality, originality, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, or fitness for a particular purpose. Moreover, no warranty is given that this website will operate error free or without interruption, that any faults will be corrected, or that this website and servers from which information is accessible will be free of viruses, trojan horses, worms, software bombs, or other harmful components and programs, and the Fund accepts no liability in respect thereof.
Risk Disclosure
You should be aware of the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, derivatives and related investments. Please remember that past performance is not necessarily a guide, indication or guarantee of future results. There can be no assurances that countries, markets, sectors or financial instruments will perform as expected. If you understand the risks involved in investing in cryptocurrencies, you confirm that you are able to take these risks. Trading in cryptocurrencies and especially their leveraged derivatives bears the risk of total loss of the amount invested. Cryptocurrencies are very volatile and therefore may fluctuate extremely in a short period of time.
No liability
The Fund shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage, including but not limited to loss of profit, that may be suffered as a result of information provided on this Website, or for any loss or damage resulting either directly or indirectly from the use of this Website, links to other websites and the information contained therein or from risks associated with the cryptocurrency markets.
Links to other Websites
This Website may provide links to other websites. You use such links to any external websites entirely at your own risk. The Fund does not verify the accuracy of the information provided on the websites mentioned or linked on this Website. You understand that a link to any other site does not mean that the Company endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or the use of such site and therefore the Fund accepts no liability for their content or for the products, services or other offers available through them. Any concerns regarding any external link to any third party site should be addressed to that site’s operator.
Intellectual property
Unless stated otherwise, all components of the website of the Fund are protected by intellectual property laws and are the property of the Fund or third parties. Users shall not acquire any rights, including rights in or to any software, trademarks or components of the Website, by downloading or printing any material from this Website. Copyright notices and trademarks may not be changed or removed. Components of this Website may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form (including electronic or printed form) unless appropriate acknowledgement of the source is provided.
Privacy Policy
For further information about privacy protection please check our Privacy Policy.
Changes to the Terms of Use
The Fund reserves the right to change these Terms of Use from time to time without notice.
Applicable law
Access to and use of the Website and the Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Gibraltar.
Terms of Use last update on June 1, 2021.